viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017

Hail to Denmark

Hate to say what I'll say here
Often I think about it
Lilke a sting in the brain
And never heals
And never goes away
My curse forever
In a cursed land
Gladly I'd leave 
Anywhere far but
Denmark is quite close
Endlessly it shines
Crowned country
Regrets none
It will haunt you
Surely if you go
Vigils at night
And hiding by day
You won't need that there
Aarhus is far
Lifes counted by thousands
Unnoticed they remain
Jack the Ripper wouldn't last
Oh not a single day
Not a chance for the guy
Away from London
Don't you feel the same?
In a country without Death
Extremely boring for me
Though you'd like it
Enjoy the company
Valuable friend
Altive but kind inside
Mostly caffeine and hate
Inherit her wisdom
Rarely she shares but
And forget I'll say it
Remember her advices
Learn everything you can
And trust her
Stay safe
Try living for once
Experience it
Taste coffee at Paludan's
And if the room is for 10
Shall be it

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