miércoles, 6 de septiembre de 2017

New anthology

The closest I’ve been to success
Was seeing the sunset reflecting in my book
Not a great one but filled with mithology
Not a chance of being successful in here
This land is not even desertic but grass
could not be yellower - green never lasts
But last afternoon was something else
Far from all the others - too many for me
When sunset dyed the pages orange
I looked up for a sec - mithology was there
All alive, walking, dancing in my garden
This land is my land - a dinosaur roared
Stomping the Earth not again - I know
It was their time not mine and smoke
could be smelled in the air - fire on the mountain
Maybe cavemen next door but not Ringo
Then spirits arose from the ground and
performed their strange rituals and if I
was there looking they could not care less
Somehow all these magic numbers
gave me a sight I ran to my book to
scratch some untongued words in the corners
Five fall futuressly fighting for
foul faking fire from foot feeding
Félix Francisco Casanova
"Canarian Rimbaud", my balls
A giant wooden totem resembling an owl
Took place where the cabin was - or wasn’t?
Time played foul and I didn’t move
From hammock delighted to see the show
Then some Navajo redskins danced around
the owl totem and all around was wilderness
and I was naked with too many skin that could
serve to make leather for all their tribes
dwelling over the hills - big pillars of smoke you
could see maintaining the invisible
temple from above the clouds
And if there is a temple there is a Goddess
and that one I know who she is as I climb
onto her temple and I kneel before her to
kiss whatever needs to be kissed and
sometime after I choose some poetry to
read on her lap to recitate to whisper with
all my body and is a good thing no one can
comprehend even if there are so many
vulturing around her so many eyes on
so many Tarkovski’s 1979 masterpiece - ah
You can’t read poetry anymore it no longer
exists on this World - try others if you dare
Only good poetry will come from my lips
and onto her lips - all of them yes yes yes
Though here I will no longer live in time
Considering I was always living late
So if you want poetry I’ll throw a rhyme

I’ve always live full of hate

Demon witch of the Shining Peaks

Not that long ago in dream years
I inhabited a hotel during winter season
Built by the indians buried below
Or so I heard, thing is, listen
There was a room somewhere
Unsure about the floor but
When the elevator threw those
Giant currents of blood
Almost like open red curtains
Showing black&white a path
To a room is a room the room
Above the indians with no summer
And beneath the basement BAM BAM BAM
Heart of the Overlook Hotel howled
I maybe was the one to watch over it
Sometimes it was the other guy
And sometimes there was this sign
“beware the woodsman Cooper”
Strange mithologies walked among us
Thought I rarely saw living human beings
Never felt alone never was let alone
No friends allowed anyway
A room this room the room
Listen to me here ok
Everywhere I have lived
Had this same room
First at parents house in the city
Later in that small house in a village
Lost in the woods of a mound of a hill
When I flew across the ocean
And all the different places I dwelled
This room was always next to mine
Now my room is the Overlook
Overlooking a town between the peaks
First they were all mad then all dead
And now they have changed so much
They barely appear in time for the show
Not like the TV would work fine here
I only find fun in hitting it with my axe
It belonged to a watchman long ago
He liked to visit that room very much
There was this other guy with the same taste
For danger and girls and fire
He used to come from town in disguise
Then his hair turned grey
Then he became the mask
Or should I say he was always the mask
From pure air they descend as the shadows
Of night that spins the world
Black and white and blue
Covered and uncovered in red
As the curtains welcoming us
To their dance of time and space
If you follow me down some time
I’ll go down slow on you
And if you don’t feel like
You can always put me inside
A souvenir snowglobe
“Greetings from The Shining Peaks”
And take me with you anywhere
They’ll probably let you in the room
Always had this things for girls
As that strange case long ago
It all happened there
The man who solved it is still there
Despite recent facts
Is not really happening again
This spirit people from pure air
Will greet you they will
Put a demon in your witch
The one you have always wear inside
We spoke about witches last night
When I knew you were the one
And we moved inside each other
Our fate was sealed it has always been
Since that black night watch
When I told you everything I know about them
The room next to mine danced of evil joy
The woodsmen gave the watchman the axe
They told him to fell a victim
And so the story goes on
No love will save us
But is nice to make it with you
In the waiting room
While the spirits get ready for us
To catch us in their bag of death
Seven worlds below us
The indians are coming
They paint our faces in a tomahawk
The dwellers in the treshold as they say
Your portrait so damn pretty
That could blow the Overlook away
And walk with fire
And dance with BOB and the little man
And all these masked people at the ballroom
A mob ready to lynch the king
Universe is just this
As it always was and always will be

For David, Mark, Steve, Stanley and C.

martes, 13 de junio de 2017

Ficciones a la publicación de las obras completas de Félix Francisco Casanova, poeta

Hace años me pasaron un artículo de periódico a doble página con el retrato en grande de un efebo de portentosa melena, casi rostro de mujer, presidido por un par de ojos claros que podían leerte el alma con prefacio, relato y epílogo en un par de segundos. El chaval, poeta de corazón, había muerto en extrañas circunstancias antes de la veintena, en Tenerife, a mediados de los 70. Extractos de sus poemas hablaban de su tenue relación con el teléfono, de La misteriosa Voz que le besaba desde el otro lado. En un descuido, olvidé el nombre del autor, pero la foto me persiguió largo tiempo. Me ha hallado, por fin, minutos antes de mi primera cita con C, en la librería de una ciudad que no es Tenerife. Liberándome de la petrificación, cojo el ejemplar con ambas manos dado el volumen del mismo. Demipage ha editado las obras completas de Félix Francisco Casanova, y el nombre, esta vez, echa raíces. Me sumerjo en el prólogo de Fernando Aramburu mientras espero a C y me sumerjo todavía más hondo, debido a su tardanza, en algunos poemas y el inicio de la novela "El don de Vorace", escrita en tan sólo 44 días. Casanova aúlla, confiesa, abarca universos en el puño como Borges. Atisbo, ahora y siempre, el poema "Conversación" para enseñárselo a C, porque en un futuro muy próximo espero que le recuerde a mí. Me adentro en 1974, larguísimo blues. Kosoff vive, y firma el solo de su carrera en la canción "Moonshine", cuya letra podría haber firmado Casanova. Habla acerca de fumarse un cigarro a la luz de la luna apoyado en su propia lápida. Me pregunto si alguna vez escuchó a los Free. Morirán el mismo año, 1976, 25 años Kosoff y 19 Casanova. Pero todavía queda para eso, pues C se digna a aparecer por fin y nos abrazamos como el poeta abraza al papel, interminablemente, tratando de abarcar todo lo que es físico, vertiendo todo sentimiento en un mismo acto. La simbiosis sucede, susurro a su oído los secretos del universo a la vez que Casanova se los susurra a La Voz y es el mismo momento, ambos, porque esta magia existe.

Hay un café junto a la ría que lleva el nombre de Kubrick. Mientras tanto, Casanova escribe un poema dedicado al Tarkus de Emerson, Lake & Palmer. En algunas traducciones antiguas se traducen los nombres de los grupos; así descubrí a "El Aeroplano Jefferson", pero Casanova va varios años por delante y es devoto de Pink Floyd antes de que lancen The Dark Side of The Moon, acaso la cosa redonda más perfecta que se ha hecho nunca. Tampoco llegó a enterarse nunca del asesinato de Lennon, ni del punk, ni de los años 80 en España. Se le conocen, eso sí, un viaje familiar por Bilbao, Madrid y Barcelona, y otro a París, que acaban con la maleta llena de vinilos. Procura publicar y ganar todos los certámenes que se pueden ganar en Tenerife, donde el personaje Vorace afirma tener una casa junto al mar hacia el final de la novela. C. y yo vivimos en el ático de esa casa, observando sus últimos días, que son los primeros nuestros. Como fantasmas que lo acosan, estoy ahora seguro de que algunos de sus poemas son sobre nosotros, pues nos ha percibido alrededor. Creo que sabe que conocemos su fatal destino, y así lo hace entrever en los escritos, y esto justifica el desenlace de la novela. Vorace, inmortal para siempre, buscando la muerte de todas las formas posibles sin conseguirlo, organiza una fiesta de disfraces para todos sus amigos con la respetable intención de prender fuego a la casa. Tan sólo falta el reloj de Poébano. En los confusos capítulos finales, su cabeza se desgaja y es arrojada al mar convertida en una centella. Un relato de Maupassant termina con el protagonista desgajando su propia cabeza de su cuerpo durante su misa funeral, cayendo a dentelladas sobre el cura. Maupassant también escribió el aterrador relato sobre presencias malignas en casas que llamamos "El Horla". Creo que C. y yo hemos sido el Horla para Casanova/Vorace y él nos prendió fuego en venganza. Y basta cogernos de la mano para comprobar que no se ha extinguido.

Al atardecer entrelazo la mano de C. justo antes, o después del beso. Quizá durante, con este monstruo ya no caben medidas porque el tiempo se le ha enroscado a la cola y el Uróboros que late en mí sólo quiere mordérsela. Miro a C., le miro la mano y se le transparenta un poema. Se lo leo en voz alta, pues no es otro que "Conversación":

No quisiera ponerte nerviosa.
Es la primera vez que algo
nos va a separar,
porque es la primera vez
que te produciré auténtico
Así que empiezo otra vez:
quiero ponerte nerviosa,
quiero que tiembles
y quiero que aprendas
a hacerme temblar. 
Fíjate en que esto ya no es un poema,
que yo no soy el mismo para ti
desde que empezó este diálogo.

Más adelante me reanudaré la corbata escribiendo ésto, aburrido y absurdamente atrapado a la razón de cierto empleo tiránico que adoro aborrecer. Casanova nunca tuvo que emplearse, nunca tuvo que reajustarse la corbata ni reventarse los nudillos en otra cosa que no fuera papel, nunca fingió pillarse la mano con la puerta para no ir a trabajar, jamás necesitó un día libre y no tuvo que infiltrarse en la oscuridad de la cocina para una merecida cena de medianoche al acabar el turno. De lo que supo es de enmascarar confesiones, cuya fórmula no pocos adoptamos, recuérdense los poemas en lengua extranjera dedicados a C. que publico sin parar sólo para captar su atención. Cuando Vorace alardea de ímpetu físico, su amante en la ficción ilustra sus encuentros sobre lienzo y carboncillo. En el cuerpo de C. escribiría todas las palabras que conozco ahora y me quedaría corto; Casanova nunca se queda corto cuando escribe poesía. Coge las palabras, les mete el lápiz por el cinturón y las levanta para mirarlas mientras patalean indefensas. En el aire les da vueltas, las estira para ver hasta dónde pueden llegar y sólo cuando han mutado en otra cosa las deja caer de nuevo al folio. Algunos tenemos que conformarnos con las salpicaduras que caen fuera de la mesa y trabajar con eso. Bueno, no en todo íbamos a perder. Casanova menciona varias veces su deseo de retirarse en las Orkneys de Escocia. Con el nuevo contrato literario de C. y el que me conseguirá, estamos más cerca que él. A pesar de todo.

C. y yo podríamos seguir hablando de la muerte, de la literatura, de la juventud que se desboca y se vacía antes de dejar de existir, pero es el tema más trillado que se me ocurre y tenemos muchos lugares por visitar aquí en 1974. Admiro a Casanova hoy más que nunca por no haberse creído en ningún momento que su sombra iba a ser mucho más alargada de lo que fue en vida, y bien está que esa sombra siga bajo el agua sin aparecer en las discusiones cotidianas del futuro donde venimos y al que no pensamos volver. Quedáos con vuestras redes sociales que nosotros seguiremos tejiendo nuestras redes en el acantilado de la casa junto al mar que Vorace jamás consiguió quemar, mientras nos sacudimos mutuamente la ceniza del hombro y pescamos desde el ático, nos clavamos las uñas y nos vamos al sofá durante noches enteras de adoración y dolor. Refundaremos Equipo Hovno, el proyecto juvenil de Casanova y amigos que satirizó tanta prensa tinerfeña en su día, y seguiremos la publicación donde la dejaron. Inventaremos palabras y poemas, nos impetuaremos físicamente hasta la extenuación y nos tatuaremos nuestros nombres alterados por nuevos caractéres. Y nos juraremos promesas bajo el sol donde los setenta nunca terminan, y releeremos sus diarios cuyas notas suelen acabar con "AAAAH COÑO!!!" y las nuestras también y forjaremos nuestra propia obra para que cuando nos leáis desde vuestro aburrido 2017 nos engrandezcáis como a leyendas, que es lo que seremos, porque es lo único que sabéis hacer. Censuromocionadme la boca si alguna vez me la véis lejos de C. porque será la única oportunidad que tendréis.

F.F. Casanova (1956-1976)

A Fernando Aramburu y Francisco Javier Irazoki, y a la editorial Demipage, gracias por haber publicado esta necesaria antología.
A C. como siempre desde hace poco y espero que para mucho.

Y a Félix Francisco, claramente.

viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017

Black Night Watch

Such a bad night, I know
you went to bed too early
like you always do, eh
probably upset for what 
I may have said or
what I haven't said yet
thing is that you slept
peacefully in your anger
not knowing that I was
sitting at the foot of your bed
just waiting, guarding
watching over you
being aware of the things
that surrounds us now
that have surround us 
for a big long time even if
you haven't noticed yet
you had yours from the start
I bring my own ones with me
they've haunted me since 1987
but I won't let them touch you
I can't do nothing with your owns
you'll have to deal with them
in your own sleep so if
you let me watch over it
in this cold dark night
I'll do my best to protect you
waiting is the worst
I silently pass my finger 
across your hair I
kiss the top of your eyes I
read a book between your legs
I take notes at the backpages
and before I attempt to wake you up
for no particular reason 
here they bloody come 
not fair at all, I mean
Scotland had the Black Watch
The Southern Highlanders
The Royal Dragoons at Edinburgh Castle
I only have my fucking dick
can't fight a lot like that
here is the nightmare again
about my old friends in Germany
I see it as if it was an old german film
the voice of Marta while takes of Berlin
a big old grey block of buildings
María lives in 4th floor
in the hall lies the pasta machine
it has been making pasta for years
sending mac n' cheese to each flat
the trail for María is blocked
nobody has been receiving the pasta
is a block for junkies
María won't be eating pasta anymore
her dishes in the machine sound dead
Marta's voice fading out
I hate that film and you know
both of them are alive but
is how the things fight me
they took a friend of mine
I can't let them take another one
I don't want to breath if another
single friend is taken
I miss you pal, I love you
hurt and tired but still standing
you still asleep and beautiful
they can't get through me
I hear them scratching the door
demon witch, the masked guy and more
all of them launch their most powerful attack
and I fall for it, as I always do
this nightmare has been going on forever
the old man is possessed again
he was released a while ago but
apparently he was thinking about it
and BAM! the bad spirit fucked him hard
so now Mom and I are setting dinner
thinking carefully what to say
we know the thing coming is not him
they are coping ideas from "The Shining"
and it fucking works
Steve King would be proud
screwing with my mind since 1977
you Steve bastard give back my life
anyway the thing that looks like
the old man comes and I salute it
not letting a single crack through my voice
and the things yells back at me
I keep playing the role
and no answer, it just unveils true face
my long time friend demon witch
"oh come on who were you expecting"
says that horrible face without a word
and I wake up sweating and crying
they always find their way to me
but you are still there
moving unwell, disturbed in your sleep
you are so bright, I lay next to you
I hide in the Queendom of your legs
for you to hold me I desire the most
to tell me that everything is alright
an embrace and one of your healing kisses
while we watch for each other
as the things crawl slowly
they can never get to us if we stand
nobody will ever get to us
the sum of all our fears is big enough
daylight, animals in the farm are singing
another night we survive
yet another day we have to get it together
so much easier if we are two
or we are one

lunes, 24 de abril de 2017

Don't mind a ghost

Today I was too late
missed action by 2 minutes
wasn't fast enough or maybe 
you were in the 70s again
so, this thing of ours, ah,
unnamed and yet unpacked
like the flat we should move to
the thing is becoming too big now
my things happen at your nights
things will happen at our nights
so whatever you are breeding
I'm feeding it 
grows on you as it grows on me
soon it will swallow me and I
well I will go smaller and smaller
ready to be consumed by the thing
we shall be consumed together
as the flat becomes a mansion
remember when we used to 
have furniture in between
as some practical damage control
and ended setting fire to it all?
we kept the burning embers so
now we have a mansion full of
black steaming furniture and
a notorious bunch of ghosts
you took yours and I took mines
our lovely family in our lovely house
though, I shouldn't be telling you this
I may become a ghost soon, too
you're consuming me faster and faster
too fast to enjoy our new life together
in our brand new mansion on the hill
dangerously close to a landslide
pointy sharp stones await below
a sea of flames with motorized sharks
I chose the location, happy with that?
not bad to get to choose the place
to get to choose to be consumed by you
by the whiskey sugar on your nipples
do I really have to continue?
the beautiful sex in the love of your sex
whatever it means
I lose seconds of life with any of your kisses
years with any orgasm if lucky
and I won't stop having a go at you
because you are my Big Crush in the 70s
and so I will be your Spectrum
haunting the mansion in your honor
you side A of "Making Movies"
you side B of "Abbey Road"
you side C of "The Wall"
you side red on our bed
you'll consume me and I love you for that
I'll haunt you and this mansion forever
someone has to lead this army of ghosts
phantom lords with nowhere to go
meanwhile keep me with a thread of life
waste me waste me hold me waste me
I'll hear the piano in the basement 
Elton and the Phantom of the Opera 
will play "Funeral for a friend/Love lies bleeding"
as for now just keep ahead
I won't back down now so won't you
this mansion I named Canterville
because as born to be Wilde Oscar wrote
"...if you don't mind a ghost in the house, its alright..."
as the flowers wither in the Garden of Death
I'll follow you around if you dare to
walk barefoot at night with a chandelier 
I'll be your hand, I'll be the fire
I'll be the grass and I'll be the kiss
and you can be just yourself
I know there's nothing better than that
I'll be the mansion, I'll be the hill
or if you just want me to be a cell
one of the miriads that breath in you
so I'll be, bluebird firekisser
fuck the trouble ahead as we fuck ourselves
good, sweet, longing and please do it again
atop of any ghost in all the places of the house
this skin was born to dwell inside you

ez dago barroterik

miércoles, 19 de abril de 2017

Las cosas

Las cosas
Las cosas son blancas y son negras
Las cosas se amontonan unas con otras y se juntan y se mezclan
Las cosas a veces son de colores y no me gustan
otras veces me gustan más pero siguen siendo cosas
y otras me gustan más cuando dejan de ser cosas
da igual lo que digan otros, una cosa es una cosa
no lo que digan de esa cosa y yo
en este momento te grabo "El pájaro azul"
para mañana por la mañana si es que eso pasa
aquí la noche es una montaña negra
la noche invisible, la noche muerta
la noche y las cosas que nunca dejan de respirar
aquí la noche es un dragón que se ha comido una estrella
Ancalagón el Negro eclipsando el sol con su vuelo
la noche es un idiota disparando referencias
la noche de noches y la noche de los tiempos
son un pozo negro, una marmita de café negro
la noche nunca es blanca y no duerme ni despierta
la noche sin luna ni estrellas sobre un planeta
tan pequeño que sólo tiene una plaza del pueblo
en una plaza como ésta se enumeraron
las escrituras del mundo y no había 
ni la mitad de gente que hay ahora
es un planeta tan pequeño que sólo tiene un pueblo
qué solo tienen la luz de una estrella 
y ahora que el dragón de la noche se la ha comido
bueno, pues ya no van a tener más luz
así que mientras muere esa luz distante 
los habitantes la aprovechan para despedirse
se afanan en los preparativos para la noche eterna
bajo esa misma luz que se acaba se reúnen
en la misma plaza y compran zapatos de ante
(esta frase ha sobrevivido desde 1994 y eso es mucho)
siempre han vivido a media luz pero pronto ni eso
los veo más optimistas que a nosotros
en fin, venía a decirte que en lo que le queda a esa estrella
me encargaron que les buscase la luz del norte
para volver a encender la llama
para dar muerte a su noche
las cosas son tremendamente extrañas últimamente
y venía a preguntarte si quieres acompañarme en la misión
ya que tú también sabes de dragones y de arder
y yo de tirar pistas para los lectores 
por si todavía les hiciera falta alguna
las cosas cuando estás tú brillan más
las cosas cuando las haces tú duran más
la noche contigo es más oscura pero más cálida
iría contigo al final de todas las cosas
en la misión que atravesase las noches de todas las noches
las noches del valle de la muerte
los heraldos de la destrucción contemplan el atardecer en el valle
justo antes de comenzar el ataque a las cosas
porque no pueden resistirse a estos pequeños rayos 
que se deslizan, se desnudan y se desfiguran hasta desaparecer
como hacemos tú y yo algunas noches
como haremos tú y yo mañana por la noche
tengo todas estas historias que contarte
no me he dejado morir del todo
no he cambiado de idea ni de idioma
las cosas no me lo permitirán
las cosas 
las cosas contigo son mejores
las noches, las noches contigo son más noches
las cosas pasan por las noches
mis cosas pasan por tus noches

Gau iluna amaitu da

sábado, 15 de abril de 2017

Warning: trouble ahead

Sometime next month I'm there
guarding the entrance of the coffee
where my date waits in
she is the reason some singers
folkies, songwriters, poets wannabe
translate other songs into spanish
I may be a good translator but
still far from that level that's why
i'm still waiting outside
for 5 years without a coffee
and now there must be coffee
but no arms no cookie
no brakes no future no end
if I cross that door
doing allright here outside
I remember a song she
sent me to explain herself
about still learning to love
and let ourselves be loved
I hope she learnt it by now
for me, still no clue so here
goes another reason to stay
as for that homeless demon witch
sitting in the ground across the street
I know it is looking at us
one eye for me one for her
hands squeezing guitar
I know it so good is not scary
just funnylingus the way it sings
that same song just now
as if it wanted me to go inside
as if it shouted me to run away
something I'll never understand
why do I have to go choose a way
instead of being here just waiting
please girl finish your coffee and
look at the door as if I was the
one you were waiting for
and all the black&white films
would turn into technicolor 
just when you'd smile
can't wait til next month
to be waiting out here 
to unchain all trouble
to chain you with this lyrics
to chain me around you
can't wait til next life with you

Tired of waiting for you

badakit zutaz maiteminduko naiz

miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017

And now you'll know

"Put a little work on it", you said
and thankful as I am for still
being in the same position, 
I'll try to explain the big picture
hope you won't fall asleep tonight
Mr. Zolpidem will get a bleeding nose
if he doesn't learn to stay away
at that time of the night
when I'm writing in your back
you can feel but not read
and kisses as question marks
it was five years ago today
Mr. Social Network told my band to play
and we gave the hell of a gig!
you were in the crowd
not among them, obviously
lifted as a queen as proved later
I looked at you and thought "wow..."
at that time I was still naive
and maybe had the idea you were
walking the same ground but
it was as in Sábato's "El túnel"

"...en todo caso había un solo túnel, oscuro y solitario: el mío, el túnel en que había transcurrido mi infancia, mi juventud, toda mi vida. Y en uno de esos trozos transparentes del muro de piedra yo había visto a esta muchacha y había creído ingenuamente que venía por otro túnel paralelo al mío, cuando en realidad pertenecía al ancho mundo, al mundo sin límites de los que no viven en túneles; y quizá se había acercado por curiosidad a una de mis extrañas ventanas y había entrevisto el espectáculo de mi insalvable soledad."

Right? And so on.
I know you noticed me
you were so kind but distant
no objections here, and time
made us acknowledge each other
some common friends
more common than friends
you had someone and I
well I *hysterical laughter*
a line won't resume it
and years gone by
I think we had respect 
some things happened
with mutual commons
then you went on conquest
you told everyone and I
followed all your diaries
and I noticed you were
more down to earth than 
I thought and a lot more
and so, you know I 
wanted you to acknowledge me
to say what you told me today
I've worked on it for years
without a single gram of hope
and it finally happened
couldn't ask for more
but if there's more where
that came from I'm going
for it and I'll go smiling
like Ahab to the white whale
like Aschenbach in Venice
Jesse and Celine in Paris
Ouroboros man & The Crimson Queen
defeating the demon witch
and now you finally are here
maybe want to stay a bit longer
stay don't leave
don't walk the long road alone

I'm not like everybody else

ez dut galduko itxaropena

martes, 11 de abril de 2017

Big Crush Spectrum

Demon witch sitting on the window
threats to jump but not a chance
she laughs with an electric noise
red lights titling in her dead eyes
she pleases herself with, ah
I believe it is an exorcism cane
don't ask how she got it but
there it is and I'm not going for it
she laughs with a fear in her nose
she masturbates whilst looking at me
trying to record a poem for you
when you listen to it tomorrow morning
you'll hear my voice going off
that's her fault as usual
so I'll put all I've left into you
the words are all gathering here
every night I'll write you something
my voice full of cracks will be yours
I'm a string in a glass made guitar
plug me in and you'll break me
do it before she gets me
she is close to climax now
and quite fast to recover
all these things happen at night
this room used to be interesting
sure it was an indian cemetery
snakes crawled here once
now she just reached climax
the cane is suspended on air
the eyes are looking alive
the red titling intensifies
should be good time to run
but I'm not finished with you
words won't stop flowing
and if they make you feel better
if they make you smile tomorrow
then I can handle demon witch
that cane is nothing
I've been in hell several times
I know about beasts inside
now she is all ready to jump
bite me, kiss me, rape me
a decent fuck is coming
please say you'll be next
so I can save my strength
keep me away from her
at least forever for a while
my Big Crush Spectrum
you don't know how long
I've been waiting to fall
uncontrolably for you
to waste me, to touch
your skin that I desire
oh my friend you don't know
this wasn't born yesterday
maybe is a lot to ask
but please save me 
from her and from myself
put some heart in this
room of deadly old crows
let there be more light

There's a lot going on

"garrasi egingo dugu zuk eta nik eskatzen didazun egun bakoitzean"