viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017

Black Night Watch

Such a bad night, I know
you went to bed too early
like you always do, eh
probably upset for what 
I may have said or
what I haven't said yet
thing is that you slept
peacefully in your anger
not knowing that I was
sitting at the foot of your bed
just waiting, guarding
watching over you
being aware of the things
that surrounds us now
that have surround us 
for a big long time even if
you haven't noticed yet
you had yours from the start
I bring my own ones with me
they've haunted me since 1987
but I won't let them touch you
I can't do nothing with your owns
you'll have to deal with them
in your own sleep so if
you let me watch over it
in this cold dark night
I'll do my best to protect you
waiting is the worst
I silently pass my finger 
across your hair I
kiss the top of your eyes I
read a book between your legs
I take notes at the backpages
and before I attempt to wake you up
for no particular reason 
here they bloody come 
not fair at all, I mean
Scotland had the Black Watch
The Southern Highlanders
The Royal Dragoons at Edinburgh Castle
I only have my fucking dick
can't fight a lot like that
here is the nightmare again
about my old friends in Germany
I see it as if it was an old german film
the voice of Marta while takes of Berlin
a big old grey block of buildings
María lives in 4th floor
in the hall lies the pasta machine
it has been making pasta for years
sending mac n' cheese to each flat
the trail for María is blocked
nobody has been receiving the pasta
is a block for junkies
María won't be eating pasta anymore
her dishes in the machine sound dead
Marta's voice fading out
I hate that film and you know
both of them are alive but
is how the things fight me
they took a friend of mine
I can't let them take another one
I don't want to breath if another
single friend is taken
I miss you pal, I love you
hurt and tired but still standing
you still asleep and beautiful
they can't get through me
I hear them scratching the door
demon witch, the masked guy and more
all of them launch their most powerful attack
and I fall for it, as I always do
this nightmare has been going on forever
the old man is possessed again
he was released a while ago but
apparently he was thinking about it
and BAM! the bad spirit fucked him hard
so now Mom and I are setting dinner
thinking carefully what to say
we know the thing coming is not him
they are coping ideas from "The Shining"
and it fucking works
Steve King would be proud
screwing with my mind since 1977
you Steve bastard give back my life
anyway the thing that looks like
the old man comes and I salute it
not letting a single crack through my voice
and the things yells back at me
I keep playing the role
and no answer, it just unveils true face
my long time friend demon witch
"oh come on who were you expecting"
says that horrible face without a word
and I wake up sweating and crying
they always find their way to me
but you are still there
moving unwell, disturbed in your sleep
you are so bright, I lay next to you
I hide in the Queendom of your legs
for you to hold me I desire the most
to tell me that everything is alright
an embrace and one of your healing kisses
while we watch for each other
as the things crawl slowly
they can never get to us if we stand
nobody will ever get to us
the sum of all our fears is big enough
daylight, animals in the farm are singing
another night we survive
yet another day we have to get it together
so much easier if we are two
or we are one

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